Evolution Sensors and Controls, LLC - 6700 Forum Drive Suite 125 - Orlando, FL 32821 - Ph. 407-420-8080 - Fax: 407-420-8083 - email: info@evosensors.com
Type J Thermocouple Extension Wire - Items tagged as "Expp-j-24s"
Type J Thermocouple Extension Wire is designed to extend the thermocouple signal from J Type Thermocouple probes or sensors to controllers, dataloggers and electronic displays.
Extension Grade thermocouple wire is not as accurate as thermocouple wire and is not recommended to be utilized to create a thermocouple signal.
Bare Wire Accuracy- extension grade thermocouple wire is typically tested to ensure accuracy in the temperature range of 32°F to 392°F (0°C to 200°C).
Insulationson the extension wire are typically PVC(220°F or 105°C)FEP or PFA fluoropolymers (400 to 500°F or 200 to 260°C) andFiberglass Braid(900°F or 482°C)
Designs with wire insulation temperature rangesexceedingthe typical bare wire accuracy range of 32°F to 392°F (0°C to 200°C) should be made from specially matched bare wire pairs to ensure accuracy in these higher temperature ranges.
ANSI Color Codeof Type J extension wire is white positive, red negative and typically has a Black outside jacket.
Thermocouple grade wire with a Brown jacket can be subsituted for Extension Grade Wire