Type R and S Thermocouple - Items tagged as "Ceramic-insulated-thermocouples"

Type R and S Thermocouple

Thermocouple Type R and S are made from Platinum and Rhodium thermocouple alloys and designed to be extremely stable with a temperature range up to 2,700°F (1480°C). Type R and S are resistant to oxidation in air although reducing atmospheres can be especially damaging.

  • Overall Temperature range is -58 to 2,700°F (-50 to1480°C). This wide temperature range and high level of stability provides excellent overall application opportunities, although most times R and S thermocouples are utilized at temperatures of 1800°F (1000°C) and higher due the thermocouple alloy having low per degree milivolt output at lower temperatures,
    • This low output along with the high materials cost reduces the opportunity to use this thermocouple in general purpose applications
    • Type R and S is not recommended in reducing atmospheres, unless the thermocouple alloys are protected with a gas-tight ceramic tube and a secondary tube of alumina, silicon carbide, or a metal outer tube
  • Type R has 3% more Rhodium and it offers improved stability and a slightly higher temperature range than Type S
    • Type R can deliver 15 percent more millivolt output than Type S.
    • Type R compostion is positive wire Platinum with 13% Rhodium, the negative wire is 99.99% Platinum
    • Type S content is positive wire Platinum with 10% Rhodium the negative wire is 99.99% Platinum
  • Connector pins and Extension cables are made with a specially designed compensating alloy to reduce cost although at the same time ensuring the accurate transfer of the thermocouple signal 
View all 0-25-inches-long 1000ft 100ft 12-inches 12-inches-long 120-inches 125-inch-dia 18-inches-long 200ft 24-gage-stranded-thermocouple-and-rtd-wire 24-inches-long 25ft 30-gage-bare-wire-sensor-010-inch-diameter 300-inches-25-ft 36-gage-bare-wire-thermocouple-005-inch-diameter 40-inches 500ft 50ft 6-inches 6-inches-long 60-inches 72 Inches Long bare-wire-thermocouples beaded-wire-sensor ceramic-insulated-thermocouples connector-extension-cable-mini-male-female connectors-and-fittings DTC-R/S-M exposed fiberglass-insulated-thermocouple-wire-24-gage-solid-900-f-rating Fiberglass-on-RS-Wire flat-pin high-temperature-thermocouple highest-temperature-thermocouple LJ-R/S LJ-RS mini-male-ceramic-connector miniature-ceramic-female miniature-ceramic-male miniature-female miniature-female-thermocouple-connectors-400-f-200-c-rated miniature-high-temperature-female miniature-high-temperature-male miniature-male miniature-male-thermocouple-connectors-400-f-200-c-rated miniature-panel-mount miniature-thermocouple-connectors OSTW-CC-R/S-M OSTW-R/S-F OSTW-RS-F P13R P13R-005 P13R-010-12 round-pin rs RS-Type-Thermocouple-Extension-Wire SHX-RS-F SHX-RS-M SMPW-R/S-F SMPW-R/S-M solid-wire standard-ceramic-female standard-ceramic-male-hollow-pins standard-ceramic-male-solid-pins standard-duplex-male standard-female standard-male standard-panel-jack standard-thermocouple-connectors standard-three-pin-male stripped-wire-leads tc-connectors thermocouple thermocouple extension cable with female connector and stripped leads thermocouple extension cables thermocouple-adapters thermocouple-connector Thermocouple-Connectors- 4-Prong-Dual-Circuit thermocouple-meters thermocouple-panel-jacks ungrounded wire-tc-and-rtd

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