.062 (1/16) Inch Diameter Thermocouple Probes - Items tagged as "12-inches-long"

.062 (1/16) Inch Diameter Thermocouple Probes

Thermocouple Probes with a .062" (1/16") Inch Diameter Metal Sheathed MI Cable design are a highly utilized design throughout industry and research, especially where a combination of fast temperature response, flexibility and good strength are required in the temperature measurement and control applications.

  • Metal Sheaths are typically Stainless Steel (300 series) or Inconel in a MI Cable construction providing excellent protection of the thermocouple junction and internal wires.
    • MI Cable is a Mineral Insulation (MgO) highly compacted around the internal thermocouple wires with a solid although flexible metal sheath encasing the wires and insulation.
    • A 2 wire design is by far the most commonly utilized construction, with a 4 wire (dual) being less than 5% of the volume. 
    • Other specialty metal sheaths or covering of PFA have been developed for highly corrosive or other harsh applications. 
  • Thermocouple Junctions are Grounded, Ungrounded and Exposed along with specialty design where the 1/16" diameter is welded on or into a surface fitting. 
  • Probe Terminations and or constructions are typical male connectors with a miniature or standard size design, or a transition fitting with lead wire and stripped ends.
    • The Filter Search tool on the Left side of the page can assist you in selecting the design you require 

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