.125" (1/8") Diameter Thermocouple and RTD Probes - Items tagged as "Npt-fitting-with-wire-and-connector"

.125" (1/8") Diameter Thermocouple and RTD Probes

.125" (1/8") Diameter Thermocouple and RTD Probes

  • 1/8" Inch (3.2 mm) diameter probes provide an excellent combination of Fast response time, Strength and Flexibility.
  • Most Utilized diameter throughout many industrial, research, and test applications
  • 1/8" Diameter MI Cable Stainless Steel or Inconel sheathed designs can be easily formed or bent at 2.5 to 3 times the radius of the diameter.
1/8" Diameter Thermocouple Probe Bend Radius

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