Evolution Sensors and Controls, LLC - 6700 Forum Drive Suite 125 - Orlando, FL 32821 - Ph. 407-420-8080 - Fax: 407-420-8083 - email: info@evosensors.com
Type T Thermocouples - Items tagged as "200ft"
T Type Thermocouples provide one of most accurate and durable temperature measurement solutions from the extreme cold Cryogenicsrange of - 450°F( -270°C) (helium gas turns to liquid) to 700°F(370°C) (melting point beyond most thermoplastics)
Type T can provide Good Accuracy and stability in the temperature range of -319°F to 400°F (–195°C to 200°C)
Standard accuracy is +/- 1.0C or +/- .75% whichever is greater.
Reducedaccuracy can occur with temperatures lower than -319°F (-195°C) with a deviation of ±3°C or more.
SLEorSpecial Limits of Erroraccuracy ( +/- 0.5°C or 0.4%) can be achieved with a carefully matched pair of Copper(positive) and Constantan (negative) thermocouple alloys.
Color Codes-ANSI(American National Standard Institute) Blue positive, Red negative with solid Blue or Blue trace overall with wire and connectors.
IEC( International Electrotechnical Commission) Brown positive, White negative and Brown overall on wire and connectors
The Filter Searchtoolon theLeft ortheClickableproduct categories below will aid in your selection of the Type T thermocouple products
ThermocoupleProbeswith a stainless steel or PFA protected metal sheath for immersion in liquids, gases, air and other industrial applications.
Beaded Thermocouplesdesigns with fine diameter PFA and Fiberglass insulated lead wire with high flexibility and very fast response time.
Surface Thermocoupleswith stick on, and bolt-down versions for process equipment monitoring and control.
ThermocoupleConnectorsinclude miniature, standard size, panel mounted, circuit board and other configurations available in thermoplastics, thermosets and ceramics.
Thermocouple Wirewith diameter and insulations from fine diameter 40 gage (.003") to rugged 20 Gage (.032") with Plastic Fluoropolymers tohigher temperature Fiberglass.
Industry applications - cryogenic to relatively lower temperature testing in laboratory and overall research or product development for medical, aerospace and electronics including vacuum environment testing.
Type T thermocouples provide a good temperature range for food processing although recently this thermocouple is being displaced in the food and beverage industry with RTD temperature sensors.