Type T Thermocouples - Items tagged as "Sa1xl-t-120-srtc"

T Type Thermocouples provide one of most accurate and durable temperature measurement solutions from the extreme cold Cryogenics range of - 450°F ( -270°C) (helium gas turns to liquid) to 700°F (370°C) (melting point beyond most thermoplastics)
Type T can provide Good Accuracy and stability in the temperature range of -319°F to 400°F (–195°C to 200°C)
Standard accuracy is +/- 1.0C or +/- .75% whichever is greater.
- Reduced accuracy can occur with temperatures lower than -319°F (-195°C) with a deviation of ±3°C or more.
- SLE or Special Limits of Error accuracy ( +/- 0.5°C or 0.4%) can be achieved with a carefully matched pair of Copper (positive) and Constantan (negative) thermocouple alloys.
Standard accuracy is +/- 1.0C or +/- .75% whichever is greater.
- Color Codes -ANSI (American National Standard Institute) Blue positive, Red negative with solid Blue or Blue trace overall with wire and connectors.
- IEC ( International Electrotechnical Commission) Brown positive, White negative and Brown overall on wire and connectors
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- Thermocouple Probes with a stainless steel or PFA protected metal sheath for immersion in liquids, gases, air and other industrial applications.
- Beaded Thermocouples designs with fine diameter PFA and Fiberglass insulated lead wire with high flexibility and very fast response time.
- Surface Thermocouples with stick on, and bolt-down versions for process equipment monitoring and control.
- Thermocouple Connectors include miniature, standard size, panel mounted, circuit board and other configurations available in thermoplastics, thermosets and ceramics.
- Thermocouple Wire with diameter and insulations from fine diameter 40 gage (.003") to rugged 20 Gage (.032") with Plastic Fluoropolymers to higher temperature Fiberglass.
- Industry applications - cryogenic to relatively lower temperature testing in laboratory and overall research or product development for medical, aerospace and electronics including vacuum environment testing.
- Type T thermocouples provide a good temperature range for food processing although recently this thermocouple is being displaced in the food and beverage industry with RTD temperature sensors.