TC Connectors - Items tagged as "Standard-female"

TC Connectors

TC Connectors is an abbreviated term for ThermoCouple Connectors, and these connectors contain special metal thermocouple alloys specifically matched to the alloys in the thermocouple sensors and wire. This matching must occur to ensure the accurate transfer of the temperature signal (millivolts) from the sensors through the connectors and on to the display instrumentation.

  • In most cases it is very difficult to visually distinguish one metal from the other in the Different common pairings of Thermocouple Alloys. In and effort to assist in the appropriate match of the connectors to the thermocouple sensors and wire Color Codes and Letter designations have been established. 
  • For example Type K is the most widely utilized thermocouple match throughout industry. Both the metals making a Type K thermocouple have a silver gray appearance as such it is virtually impossible to determine the difference between these materials from each other or other thermocouple alloys. 
  • Throughout the Americas the ANSI Color code (American National Standards Institute) is primarily utilized and Type K thermocouple connector bodies must be Yellow, have a yellow dot and or be marked with the letter K. 
    • The IEC Color code (International Electrotechnical Commission) primarily utilized in Europe indicates Type K must have a Green colored connector body have a green dot and or be marked with the letter K.
  • TC Connectors also use other means to help identify the different thermocouple alloys from each other within the connector. For example the negative pins is wider or larger in diameter than the positive pins. 
  • Additional information, Color Codes and technical details can be found in our Thermocouple Connector Guide and in the individual product pages below.


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