Type E Thermocouples - Items tagged as "Standard-thermocouple-connectors"

Type E Thermocouples

Type E Thermocouples have the Highest milivolt output of all the commonly utilized thermocouples along with a temperature range of -418°F to 1652°F (-250 to 900°C) makes it an excellent choice for cryogenics, aviation and power generation applications. 

  • E Type thermocouples have a higher accuracy and stability than Type K thermocouples within the Type E temperature range. Type E can be utilized in inert, mildly oxidizing, or reducing atmospheres and is not subject to corrosion at cryogenic temperatures.
    • Standard accuracy is ±1.7°C or ± 0..5% and the higher accuracy Special limits of error is ±1.0°C or 0.4%
    • Alloy Composition: The postive alloy is Nickel Chrome (brand names such Chromel or ISATHERM PLUS). The negative alloy is Constantan (brand name such as ISOTAN). Both alloys are Non-Magentic
  • Color Codes -ANSI (American National Standard Institute) Purple positive, Red negative with solid Purple or Purple trace overall with wire and connectors. 
    • IEC International Electrotechnical Commission) Purple positive, White negative and Purple overall on wire and connectors
  • The Filter Search tool on the Left or the Clickable product categories below will aid in your selection of the Type E thermocouple products
View all 0-25-inches-long 062-inch-dia 1-inch-l-x-750-inch-wide 1000ft 100ft 12-inches-long 120-inches 125-inch-dia 180-inches 200ft 24-awg-pair-056-x-093-inch-dia 25ft 3-inches-long 30-gage-010-diameter-thermocouple-wire-with-500f-260c-pfa-insulation 30-gage-thermocouple-wire-with-pfa-insulation 40-inches 500ft 50ft 5SRTC-TT-E-30-36 5TC-TT-E-30-36 6-inches-long 80-inches beaded-wire-sensor beaded-wire-thermocouples-with-miniature-connectors connectors-and-fittings e EQSS-18U-6 exposed flat-pin flat-weld-bead grounded inconel-600 JP-E-F LJ-E Mini Plastic Conn mini-male-plastic-connector miniature-ceramic-female miniature-ceramic-male miniature-female miniature-female-thermocouple-connectors-400-f-200-c-rated miniature-male miniature-male-plastic-connector miniature-male-thermocouple-connectors-400-f-200-c-rated miniature-panel-jack miniature-pcb-flat-mounting miniature-thermocouple-connectors miniature-three-pin-female miniature-three-pin-male OSTW-E-F pcb-thermocouple-connectors plastic-fluoropolymer-ins-wire polyimide-glass-reinforced-tape round-pin SA1-E-SRTC self-adhesive-patch-with-wire-and-connector shielded-thermocouples SHX-E-F SHX-E-M solid-wire SPJ-E-F stainless-steel-304 standard-ceramic-female standard-ceramic-male-hollow-pins standard-ceramic-male-solid-pins standard-female standard-male standard-male-plastic-connector standard-panel-insert-flanged standard-panel-jack standard-thermocouple-connectors stripped-wire-leads TAS-E-2 TAS-E-3 tc-connectors tc-mi-cable-probe tc-surface-probe thermocouple thermocouple-adapters thermocouple-connector thermocouple-panel-jacks thermocouple-probes thermocouple-probes-with-miniature-connectors THME-SJ type-e-thermocouple-wire type-e-thermocouples ungrounded wire-bead-weld wire-tc-and-rtd

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