Highest Temperature Thermocouple - Items tagged as "Beaded-wire-thermocouples-with-miniature-connectors"

Highest Temperature Thermocouple

The Highest Temperature Thermocouples are Type C (Tungsten Rhenium) and Type B, R or S (Platinum Rodium) with capabilities in the 1832°F (1000°C) to 4200°F (2315°C) Temperature Range.

  • Type C (Tungsten Rhenium) and Type B, R or S (Platinum Rodium) thermocouples are the primary choices for highest temperature measurements with consistent performance. The selection of the best suited thermocouple alloy is extremely dependent upon the temperature range and atmosphere or environment (vaccum, inert, air, oxidizing, etc) of the application.
    • Type C thermocouples have have the highest temperature capability up to 4200°F (2315°C) although must be used in a Vacuum or Inert atmosphere
    • Type B thermocouples provide the highest temperature range in an Air and Oxidizing environments with 3,092°F (1700°) temperature on a continuous basis and up to 3,362°F (1850 °C) for short periods of time
    • Type R and S thermocouples can operate in -58 to 2,700°F (-50 to 1480°C), although most times they are utilized at temperatures of 1800°F (1000°C) and higher due the thermocouple alloy having low per degree milivolt output at lower temperatures. Type R and S are resistant to oxidation in air although reducing atmospheres can be especially damaging.
  • Type K thermocouples can be used in the 1832 to 2300°F range (1000 to 1260°C) with larger diameter wire and probe sheaths starting with 1/8" (.125") to 1/4" (.250") for shorter periods of time.
    • The maximum continuous temperature for Type K is about 2,000°F (1,100°C) although the thermocouple alloy can function at higher temperature with special sheathing, high purity insulation and precise manufacturing methods
View all 0-25-inches-long 0.5-Meters-Long 10-inches-long 12-inches 12-inches-long 120-inches 125-inch-dia 18-inches 18-inches-long 20 Inches Long 20-gage-beaded-thermocouples-with-high-temperature-ceramic-fiber-insulation 20-inches 24-gage-bare-wire-thermocouple-020-inch-diameter 24-inches 24-inches-long 250-inch-dia 30-gage-bare-wire-sensor-010-inch-diameter 36-gage-bare-wire-thermocouple-005-inch-diameter 36-inches 40-gage-bare-wire-thermocouple-003-inch-diameter 48-inches 6-inches 6-inches-long 60-inches 72 Inches Long 72-inches 8-inches bare-wire-thermocouples beaded-wire-sensor beaded-wire-thermocouples-with-miniature-connectors c ceramic-fiber-insulated-beaded-thermocouples ceramic-insulated-thermocouples exposed high-temperature-inconel-overbraided-ceramic-fiber-insulated-thermocouples high-temperature-inconel-overbraided-ceramic-fiber-thermocouples high-temperature-thermocouple highest-temperature-thermocouple inconel-600 k mini-ceramic-connector mini-male-ceramic-connector mini-male-plastic-connector miniature-male-plastic-connector P13R P13R-010-12 P30R-010 rs stainless-steel-304 standard-ceramic-male-solid-pins standard-male standard-male-plastic-connector standard-tube-adapter stripped-wire-leads T5R-003-12 T5R-005-12 T5R-010-12 T5R-010-18 T5R-010-24 tc-mi-cable-probe thermocouple thermocouple-probes thermocouple-probes-with-miniature-connectors Type C Thermocouple Connector type-b-thermocouples type-k-thermocouple-probes-with-miniature-connectors ungrounded wire-bead-weld XCIB-K-2-6-10 XCIB-K-2-6-3

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