Type B Thermocouple - Items tagged as "High-temperature-thermocouple"

Type B Thermocouple

Type B Thermocouples provide the Highest Temperature range for Air and Oxidizing environments with a 3,092°F (1700°) temperature on a continuous basis and up to 3,362°F (1850 °C) for short periods of time.

  • High Level of Accuracy and stability at high temperatures
    • Standard accuracy is 0.5% and SLE (Special Limits of Error) is 0.25% according to ASTM E-230
  • Temperature Range 32°F to 3,092°F (0°C to 1700°C) - continuous
    • Short term up to 3,362°F (1850 °C). Thermocouple probes made with smaller diameter bare wire will fail faster than sensors with larger diameters.
    • Typically temperatures of 1112°F (600°C) and above is recommended
    • Temperature at 122°F (50°C) and below should be avoided. The thermocouple has the same milivolt output at 32° (0°C) and 108°F (42°C)
    • Should not be used in a Vacuum or Reducing atmosphere without a protected and sealed sheath.
  • Thermocouple Alloy - Positive wire is 70% Platinum/30% Rhodium and the Negative wire is 94% Platinum/6% Rhodium.
    • Type B (U) thermocouple connectors and thermocouple extension wire can be utilized to accurately transfer the full temperature range of Type B thermocouple probes.
    • The bare wire and the metal contact pins for Type B (U) are Copper (or Copper Maganese) for the Positive material and Copper for the Negative material.
View all 0-25-inches-long 10-inches-long 1000ft 100ft 12-inches 12-inches-long 120-inches 125-inch-dia 18-inches-long 180-inches 20-gage-thermocouple-wire-with-pfa-insulation 200ft 24-inches-long 240-inches-20ft 250-inch-dia 25ft 30-gage-bare-wire-sensor-010-inch-diameter 36-inches 500ft 50ft 6-inches-long 72-inches 8-inches bare-wire-thermocouples beaded-wire-sensor beaded-wire-thermocouples-with-miniature-connectors ceramic-insulated-thermocouples connector-extension-cable-mini-male-female connectors-and-fittings exposed FEP-Insulated-Extension-Grade-Thermocouple-Wire flat-pin high-temperature-thermocouple highest-temperature-thermocouple mini-male-ceramic-connector miniature-ceramic-female miniature-female miniature-male miniature-male-thermocouple-connectors-400-f-200-c-rated miniature-thermocouple-connectors P30R-010 pfa-and-aluminum-mylar-inner-shield-on-k-wire round-pin rtd rtd-connector-wire-cable rtd-connectors shielded-thermocouples SHX-U-F solid-wire solid-wire-twisted standard-ceramic-female standard-ceramic-male-hollow-pins standard-ceramic-male-solid-pins standard-female standard-male standard-thermocouple-connectors standard-tube-adapter stripped-wire-leads tc-connectors tc-mi-cable-probe thermocouple thermocouple extension cable with female connector and stripped leads thermocouple extension cables thermocouple-adapters thermocouple-connector thermocouple-extension-cables thermocouple-extension-cables-with-male-and-female-connectors thermocouple-probes Twisted-Shielded-Thermocouple-Wire type-b-thermocouple-extension-wire type-b-thermocouples u ungrounded wire-tc-and-rtd wire-tc-and-rtd-products wire-tc-and-rtd/24-awg-pair-110-max-inch-dia

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