Type C Thermocouple - Beaded Bare Wire Design - 30 Gage (.010") Diameter 12 Inches and LONGER - Custom Lengths Available

Evolution Sensors and Controls


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Type C Thermocouple - Beaded Bare Wire Design - 30 Gage (.010") Diameter 12, 24 and 36 Inches Long - Custom Lengths Available

  • Type C Thermocouple made with 30 Gage .010" inch diameter wire. (Tungsten - 5% Rhenium postive wire and Tungsten - 26% Rhenium negative  wire) 
  • Extreme Temperature Operating range 32 to 4200 F (0 to 2315 C).
  • Wire Leads 12 inch long 30 gage .010 inch (0.25 mm) diameter bare wire.
    • 24 inch (2ft), 36 inch, (3ft) and longer available - ships in 1 to 2 days
    • Custom Lengths - Call 407-420-8080 or Email info@evosensors.com
  • Exposed Bead bare wire thermocouple junction provides exceptional Fast temperature measurement response time. 
  • EvoSensors part number: C1X-WBWX-30G-EX-BWXX-12
  • Location: A-3-52
    • C1X-WBWX-30G-EX-BWXX-24 has 2ft (24 inch) long lead wire
    • C1X-WBWX-30G-EX-BWXX-36 has 3ft (36 inch) long lead wire
Need Help? 407-420-8080
email: info@evosensors.com