Type K Exposed Triplex Thermocouple Assembly with .005", .008" and .010" Diameter Wire in a 1/4" Diameter 12 Inch Long Stainless Steel Sheath and Miniature Connectors
SKU: K3X-S304-050810-EX-12-FGSL-4-MPCX

Type K Exposed Triplex Thermocouple Sensor Assembly with a 1/4" Diameter 12 Inch Long Stainless Steel Sheath and Miniature Connectors
- Type K probe with 3 Individual Thermocouple junctions
- Exposed Thermocouples are fine diameter 36 gage (.003"), 32 gage (.008") and 30 gage (.010") for fast response measurement and rate of temperature change.
- Probe is 12 inches long 1/4" diameter Stainless Steel sheath with a 6 hole ceramic alumina insulator.
- Transition is ceramic seal to a 4 inch long 900°F (482°C ) fiberglass insulated wire leads and miniature male plastic thermocouple connector termination
- EvoSensors part number - K3X-S304-050810-EX-12-FGSL-4-MPCX
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